During this time, Wendy also stayed in close contact with me regarding changes she saw in Mom, both physically and emotionally.  She was amazing at having tough conversations in such a loving, gentle manner.  It took no time at all for me to build a trust and deep appreciation for Wendy and all she was doing for my Mom.  She did a great job at sensing when to have the tough conversations, and when not to push.  We had talked generally about what we wanted Mom’s vigil to look like, with great conversations about ideas of special things we could do.

When Mom took a turn, Wendy suggested it was time to begin our Vigil and have someone with Mom around the clock. And thank goodness she did, because it was a matter of a couple of days before Mom passed.  During our Vigil, Wendy’s support was truly crucial to my family’s functioning during such a tough time.  She was always available, whether sitting with Mom so we could take care of “life things” or taking phone calls.  It’s hard to imagine going through those last days without Wendy’s calming, peaceful and loving presence.  

While everything she did before Mom’s passing was important, the most impactful and amazing gift we were given was the way we were able to say goodbye to Mom – in the last few minutes of her life, as well as after she had passed.  Because of the end of life materials Wendy had given us, as well as the conversations we had had, I feel as though we were able to tell when the last few moments were upon us.  It allowed all of us to be with Mom as she took her last breath.  And then the amazing ceremony Wendy had helped us plan took place.  Instead of sitting and waiting for the funeral home, we were able to honor our Mom in the most amazing, loving, and tender way.  The impact on me was far beyond anything I could have imagined. With what Wendy provided, we bathed my mother with scented water, placed flower petals on her as we talked about all the parts of her that we loved and appreciated, had a beautiful reading, and a touching prayer.  It was truly the most incredibly beautiful moment.  And none of it would have been possible without the guidance, support and sincere caring of Wendy.

Wendy truly is an amazing woman and I believe she is meant to be doing exactly what she is doing right now.  Words simply cannot relay how deeply she touched my Mom and my family.  I can’t imagine having to go through those last days without Wendy’s guidance and support. I have excitedly told anyone who will listen about the incredible experience we had having a doula with Mom and us through her end of life.  We have all been so blessed by this experience. Kari H.