End-of-Life Resources
When researching end-of-life support, there are helpful resources located in the Twin Cities, nationally and online as well. If you are looking for a specific area of information and can’t find it below, feel free to email me directly at wendy@mychemin.com. I am more than happy to help you find the resources you need.
Custer State Park, North Dakota
Compassion & Choices
Compassion & Choices is a national and local nonprofit that improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their end-of-life journey. They provide excellent resources including end-of-life planning tools, consultations services, and materials to support patients and loved ones to claim their voice and agency around end-of-life care.
She Came to Live Out Loud
In the Spring of 2023 my mother, Cheryl Hauser, who had been living with Alzheimer’s for years, made the decision to VSED, Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking, at her home in Minnetonka. For more information around this brave decision and the process of her journey, please log on to her site which also includes resources around VSED, a legal choice in any state in the United Sates: Cheryl Hauser or head to my VSED page.
York, England
Frontenac State Park, Minnesota
Speaking of Dying Minnesota
Speaking of Dying Minnesota was created by Laurel Riedel, a retired midwife, who believes in the idea of living deeply and dying well. She facilitates conversations about future health care preferences and helps individuals develop a thoughtful Health Care Directive. In her workshops, you will learn how to speak openly with loved ones and knowledgeably with your health care providers.
Burntside Lake, Minnesota
Minnesota Death Collaborative
The Minnesota Death Collaborative is a resource for bridging the gap from life to death, for navigating the journey, and for reconnecting to the natural aspects of death. The MNDC is a group of interpretive death professionals who serve the community in a variety of ways, providing integrative death care opportunities to those who are dying, their families and their support network. A list of recommended Death Doula Training Programs can be found under the MNDC Scholarship page.
Additional Resources
What I Learned About Life from Death // Jane Whitlock, TEDxMpls
The Order of the Good Death // Building a meaningful, eco-friendly and equitable End-of-Life// Founder: Caitlin Doughty
Barbara Karnes, Hospice Pioneer // End-of-Life Resources
National End-of-Life Doula Alliance // A Directory for Death Doulas in the USA and resource around end-of-life
Being Mortal // Frontline PBS // Atul Gawande